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Saman Abbasi
Saman Abbasi

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Mastering React's useCallback, useMemo, Memoization, and Closures

My Journey to Mastering React's useCallback and useMemo

In the ever-evolving landscape of React development, performance optimization has always been a captivating puzzle for me. It's a realm where understanding memoization and closures isn't just beneficial; it's a superpower. In this article, I want to take you on my journey of unraveling these concepts, and how they became instrumental in my mastery of React's hooks, specifically useCallback and useMemo.

The Memoization Revelation

Memoization, at its core, is like having a secret cache for expensive function calls. It's that "aha" moment when you realize that you can store and reuse the results of functions, which can be a lifesaver for performance. In JavaScript, this usually involves cleverly storing function return values based on their input arguments. Let's dive into my eye-opening moment with a simple memoization example:

function memoize(fn) {
  const cache = new Map();

  return function (...args) {
    const key = args.join('-');

    if (cache.has(key)) {
      return cache.get(key);
    } else {
      const result = fn(...args);
      cache.set(key, result);
      return result;

const add = (a, b) => a + b;
const memoizedAdd = memoize(add);

console.log(memoizedAdd(1, 2)); // Result is computed and cached
console.log(memoizedAdd(1, 2)); // Result is retrieved from cache
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In this example, the memoize function takes another function fn and returns a memoized version of it. The cache stores the results based on the arguments passed to fn. When memoizedAdd(1, 2) is called again, it doesn't recompute the result; instead, it retrieves it from the cache. This can significantly improve the performance of functions that are computationally expensive or have the same input-output patterns.

The Closure Connection

Closures are a fundamental JavaScript concept that plays a central role in the behavior of useCallback and useMemo. Closures are like the hidden gems of JavaScript. They're the reason functions can remember things from the past, even when their outer functions have long finished their performance on the stage. Let me share a personal story with you:

function outer() {
  const message = 'Hello, ';

  function inner(name) {
    console.log(message + name);

  return inner;

const greet = outer();
greet('Saman'); // Outputs: Hello, Saman

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In this story, the inner function "closes over" the message variable, preserving its memory even after outer says its goodbyes. This concept is essential in useCallback and useMemo because it allows functions to remember values from their past, even across React re-renders.

Closures and Memoization in React's useCallback

Now, let's fast-forward to my React journey. React's useCallback is like having a guardian angel for your callback functions. Imagine this scenario: you have a callback passed as a prop to a child component. Without useCallback, every render of the parent component creates a new callback, possibly causing unnecessary re-renders of the child. But with useCallback, the magic happens:

const memoizedCallback = useCallback(() => {
  // Function logic
}, [dependency1, dependency2]);
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  1. The callback function is created and memoized.
  2. t holds on to its dependencies (dependency1 and dependency2).
  3. If these dependencies don't change, the same callback is returned.
  4. This superhero move prevents unnecessary child component re-renders, as long as the dependencies stay constant.

Closures and Memoization in React's useMemo

In my React journey, useMemo was my trusted sidekick. Instead of memoizing functions, it memoizes values. This is particularly valuable for heavy computations. Let me share how it works:

const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => {
  // Value computation
  return someValue;
}, [dependency1, dependency2]);
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  1. The value is computed and memoized.
  2. It clings to its dependencies (dependency1 and dependency2).
  3. If these dependencies don't change, the same memoized value is returned. This is fantastic for avoiding redundant computations.

My Heroic Applications of useCallback and useMemo

Now that you've walked a bit in my React shoes, let's see how I've used useCallback and useMemo to save the day in real-world scenarios:

Scenario 1: Optimizing Event Handlers

Imagine a complex form with multiple input fields, each with its event handler for changes. Without useCallback, you'd be creating new event handler functions on every render. Not great, right?

const MyForm = () => {
  const handleInputChange1 = useCallback((e) => {
    // Handle input change for field 1
  }, []);

  const handleInputChange2 = useCallback((e) => {
    // Handle input change for field 2
  }, []);

  // ... more fields

  return (
      <input onChange={handleInputChange1} />
      <input onChange={handleInputChange2} />
      {/* ... more inputs */}

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With useCallback, I ensure that the same event handler functions are reused, preventing unnecessary re-renders of my form. It's like having a superpower for form performance.

Scenario 2: Memoizing Expensive Computations

Imagine building a data visualization component that performs complex calculations based on user input. Without useMemo, these calculations occur on every render, even if the input hasn't changed. Not efficient, right?

const DataVisualization = ({ data }) => {
  const computedData = useMemo(() => {
    // Expensive data processing based on 'data'
    return performComplexCalculations(data);
  }, [data]);

  return <Chart data={computedData} />;

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With useMemo, I make sure that the expensive data processing only happens when data changes. It's like having a personal data butler who knows when to work and when to rest.

Scenario 3: Preventing Unnecessary Renders

In my grand React adventure, I learned that preventing unnecessary renders is essential in large-scale applications. Imagine a parent component rendering a list of child components. Without useMemo, passing non-memoized props to child components can trigger re-renders, even when the data hasn't changed.

const ParentComponent = ({ items }) => {
  const nonMemoizedItems = items; // Without useMemo

  return (
      { => (
        <ChildComponent key={} item={item} />

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By harnessing the power of useMemo, I ensure that child components only re-render when the actual data changes, not just when someone coughs in the room.

Performance Wisdom from My Journey

As with any journey, there are valuable lessons to be learned. Let me share some performance wisdom from my React adventure with useCallback and useMemo.

1. Avoid Premature Optimization

As a hero developer, it's tempting to optimize everything, but remember the wisdom: "Premature optimization is the root of all evil." Before applying memoization, identify the true performance bottlenecks in your application. Focus your superpowers where they matter most.

Example: Consider a simple component that renders a list of items. Using useMemo to memoize the entire list might not be necessary if the list is small and doesn't change frequently. In this case, it's premature optimization.

const ItemList = ({ items }) => {
  const memoizedItems = useMemo(() => items, [items]);

  return (
      { => (
        <li key={}>{}</li>

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2. Mind the Computational Overhead

Memoization is fantastic, but it's not free. The act of storing and checking cached values adds its own computational overhead. Make sure that what you're optimizing is actually significant in terms of performance. For quick and simple calculations, memoization might be overkill.

Example: Consider a basic calculation inside a component. Memoizing it might not provide significant performance gains, especially if the calculation is simple and doesn't consume many resources.

const SimpleCalculation = ({ value }) => {
  const memoizedResult = useMemo(() => value * 2, [value]);

  return <div>Result: {memoizedResult}</div>;

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3. Watch Those Dependency Arrays

Dependency arrays are your guiding stars in useMemo and useCallback. Keep them lean and mean. Complex dependency arrays can lead to unnecessary recalculations and confusion. Remember, less is more.

Example: If a dependency array becomes too long or contains dependencies that don't actually affect the behavior of the memoized value or function, it can result in excessive recalculations.

const ComplexDependencyArray = ({ data, filter, someOtherVariable }) => {
  const filteredData = useMemo(() => {
    // Expensive data filtering logic
    return data.filter(item =>;
  }, [data, filter, someOtherVariable]);

  return <ul>{ => <li key={}>{}</li>)}</ul>;

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In this example, including someOtherVariable in the dependency array might lead to unnecessary recalculations if it doesn't affect the filtering logic.

4. Consider Reference Identity vs. Value Equality

Memoization hinges on reference identity. This can be a blessing or a curse when dealing with complex data structures. Ensure that the aspects affecting reference identity are more important than those affecting value equality.

const ComplexDataStructure = ({ data }) => {
  const memoizedData = useMemo(() => data, [data]);

  // ...

  return <div>Data Length: {memoizedData.length}</div>;

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If data is an array that gets updated by modifying its elements without changing the reference, memoizedData won't reflect these changes.

5. Embrace Maintenance Complexity

Memoization adds complexity to your code. Embrace it, but don't forget to document your memoized values and functions. Future developers (including future you) will appreciate the guidance.

// This memoized function is used to calculate the total price of items in the cart.
const calculateTotalPrice = useMemo(() => {
  // Expensive calculation logic
  return items.reduce((total, item) => total + item.price, 0);
}, [items]);

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This comment helps future developers understand the purpose of memoization.

6. Beware of Trade-offs with Reconciliation

React's reconciliation process is optimized for efficiency. Overusing useCallback can lead to memory issues, as retained references might prevent objects from being garbage-collected.

The Cost of incorrect use of useMemo and useCallback in React

Misusing useMemo and useCallback can lead to unintended consequences, especially in terms of memory usage. Let me share the potential pitfalls and the associated memory costs.

1. Unnecessary Memoization

Applying useMemo and useCallback without reason is like hoarding old magazines. Don't memoize values or functions that don't need it. React's reconciliation can handle updates to props efficiently.
Consider this example:

const Component = ({ data }) => {
  const memoizedData = useMemo(() => data, [data]);

  // Component logic

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In this case, data is already a reference to an object or array. Memoizing it doesn't provide any benefit, as React's reconciliation process efficiently handles updates to props. Memoizing data here consumes additional memory without a valid reason.

2. Overuse of Memoization

Excessive use of useMemo and useCallback throughout your application can lead to memory bloat. Each memoized value or callback consumes memory. Prioritize optimization where it matters most.

3. Excessive Dependency Arrays

Dependency arrays dictate when useMemo and useCallback recalculate. Too many dependencies can cause unnecessary recalculations, impacting memory usage. Keep them concise.
Consider this example:

const Component = ({ data, filter }) => {
  const filteredData = useMemo(() => {
    // Expensive data filtering logic
    return data.filter(item =>;
  }, [data, filter, someOtherVariable]);

  // Component logic

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In this case, filteredData depends on data, filter, and someOtherVariable. If someOtherVariable doesn't affect the result of the filtering operation, it should be removed from the dependency array to avoid unnecessary recomputation and memory usage.

4. Memory Leaks

Misuse of useMemo and useCallback can lead to memory leaks. When you memoize values or callbacks that capture stale references, those objects can't be garbage collected.
For instance:

const Component = () => {
  const handleClick = useCallback(() => {
    // Click handler logic
  }, []);

  useEffect(() => {
    // Adding an event listener
    window.addEventListener('click', handleClick);

    return () => {
      // Removing the event listener
      window.removeEventListener('click', handleClick);
  }, [handleClick]);

  // Component logic

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In this example, the handleClick function is memoized with an empty dependency array, meaning it's a constant reference. If this component unmounts, the event listener is removed, but the reference to handleClick persists, potentially causing a memory leak.

In Conclusion

My journey to mastering useCallback and useMemo in React has been enlightening. These concepts have transformed me from a React enthusiast to a React superhero. Remember that performance optimization is a dance between enhancing speed and maintaining code simplicity. With a deep understanding of memoization and closures, you can make informed decisions about when and how to apply useCallback and useMemo effectively in your projects.

Now, it's your turn to embark on your own React adventure. Take these superpowers, wield them wisely, and make your React applications fly. The performance world awaits your heroic feats.

Additional Resources

Happy coding, fellow React superheroes!✌️

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